HGL Group Joins TAPA and Prepares for FSR Certification of secure Warehouse Facility in Budapest and Törökbálint

HGL Group, a regional leader in logistics and supply chain solutions, is pleased to announce two significant milestones in its ongoing commitment to security and excellence. The group has officially joined the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) and is preparing for the demanding Facility Security Requirements (FSR) certification for its new secure warehouse facility located in Törökbálint, Hungary.

HGL Group Joins TAPA: Elevating Supply Chain Security

HGL Group’s decision to become a member of TAPA underscores its firm commitment to enhancing supply chain security and asset protection. TAPA is a globally recognized organization dedicated to improving the security of supply chains, logistics, and transportation operations. As an active member, HGL Group will benefit from TAPA’s industry-leading security standards, best practices, and a network of experts to further strengthen its supply chain security protocols.

“Security is paramount in our industry, and by joining TAPA, we are reinforcing our commitment to safeguarding our clients’ valuable assets,” said Levente Papp, Security Manager at HGL Group. “Through this partnership, we aim to continuously enhance our security measures, reduce risks, and provide peace of mind to our clients and partners alike.”

FSR Certification for Törökbálint Warehouse: Ensuring Top-Tier Security

HGL Group is preparing for the audit process required to achieve Facility Security Requirements (FSR) certification for its secure warehouse facility located in Törökbálint, Hungary. This certification will demonstrate HGL Group’s commitment to maintaining the highest levels of security and ensuring the safety of the valuable assets entrusted to its care.

The Törökbálint warehouse, equipped with cutting-edge security technologies and a highly trained staff, offers clients a secure and efficient storage solution for their valuable goods. The FSR certification will affirm HGL Group’s adherence to rigorous security standards and best practices, providing clients with the confidence that their assets are in safe hands.

For more information about HGL Group, its services, and its commitment to security and excellence, please contact Mr. Levente Papp levente.papp@hgllog.com


For more information about TAPA, please visit www.tapaemea.org

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